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Mission Statement


The mission of the Ewing Township Public School District is to educate each child and provide a high quality educational experience for our students.
Students, family, faculty and community will create a partnership that promotes the academic, intellectual, creative, emotional, social, moral and physical growth for each student.
This partnership will prepare life-long learners who are responsible, successful citizens making positive contributions to our society.
All students will achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels. It is the expectation of this school district that all pupils achieve the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards at all grade levels.
The Ewing Township Public School District is dedicated to meeting the educational needs of its students.  We will identify and address the needs of students and provide them the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.



We believe the following…
  • That all students are expected to achieve a strong academic foundation and be appropriately challenged.  
  • That the school environment will encourage curiosity, creativity and a life-long love of learning.
  • That all students have the opportunity to succeed academically in school, as well as socially, emotionally and physically.
  • That the school, home, community and students are partners in learning.
  • That all students and their families must assume an appropriate level of responsibility for themselves and their actions.
  • That all students have the right to a safe and secure educational environment.



  • To establish reduced class size, this enables the teacher to meet the needs of all students.
  • To promote excellence and high academic expectations for all students.
  • To foster increased communications concerning students’ overall educational experience among the teacher, parents and students.
  • To develop clearly-defined exit level objectives from one grade to another, particularly stressing the move from:
  • elementary to middle school
  • middle school to high school
  • high school to post-high school options
  • To continue working on enhancing the relationship between Ewing Township Public Schools and the community.  To develop an environment which encourages students to demonstrate appropriate behavior, self-discipline and to be accountable for their actions.
  • To provide a curriculum which is current and uses high-quality, curricular materials/technology which reflect the needs of all students
  • To assure the hiring of highly–qualified staff complemented by continued professional staff development.