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Antheil Elementary School Nurse's Office

Ms. Marina Mikhail


(609) 538-9800 X4125


Antheil Elementary School Health Office Contractor


Mr. Irving Perkins


(609) 538-9800 X4124



Health Forms

The Ewing Public Schools continues to strive to keep our schools healthy and safe.  As a community, if we all work together, this goal is possible if all stakeholders are mindful and respectful of health safety protocols.

Please remember, do not send your child to school if they are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, Flu, stomach virus or simply are just not feeling well.

Here are some reminders to keep your child healthy:

  • Get adequate sleep.  Children in preschool through grade six should get between nine and 11 hours a sleep a night.
  • Please continue to emphasize proper hand-washing and hygienic practices to minimize the spread of viruses. 
  • Teach your child to keep their hands away from their face and to cough or sneeze into their arm or shoulder.
  • Exercise daily.  Help your child get 60 minutes of exercise a day.
  • Reduce screen time.
  • Practice healthy eating habits.




Enterovirus-68 Frequently Asked Questions:  EV68FAQ 10-15-14